> The flexible AI-powered Search & Discovery platform ## Pricing Offers "[[Serverless MOC|Serverless]]" PAYG pricing. Has 3 per-"unit" [pricing plans](https://www.algolia.com/pricing/): - Free - Up to 10 units - Standard - $1/unit/mo - Includes search with Analytics - Premium - $1.50/unit/month - AI-powered search with advanced features including Personalization, Rules and Merchandising. **1 unit** = 1,000 search requests AND THE CAPACITY TO INDEX UP TO 1,000 RECORDS ![[AlgoliaPricingPlans.png]] ## Building with Algolia - [[Integrating Algolia with your AWS serverless application]] ## #OpenQuestions - How does the limit on indexing up to 1,000 records in the pricing description work? - How could you put a caching proxy in front of Algolia (e.g. [[AWS CloudFront|CloudFront]]) in order to cache common searches? This could mitigate costs of these searches. - When should you use a single index for multiple entities and when's it more beneficial to have each entity in their own? Similar to [[Single-table vs multi-table DynamoDB data models]] in DynamoDB - I expect the decision is to keep all entities in the same index which you may need to return in the same result set — which is dependent on the front-end use case. - Can scoped tokens have a filter built into them? --- ## References - https://www.algolia.com --- tags: #Serverless #Search #ServerlessProduct